Friday, December 7, 2012

TOCA and HardRock Cafe Event

Policy solidifies and systematizes – rather than drives – change

 Rather than starting with a policy that mandated traditional foods in school meals, school gardens and culturally-appropriate nutrition education, the partners in the Tohono O’odham Food and Fitness Initiative initially began by creating these practices. 

Invest in the capacity of people

 Investing in the capacity of people to rebuild a food system is the most effective use of resources (time, energy and funding).  Tractors break down…. Policies sit as “unfunded mandates” on the shelf…. Tribal programs close their doors at the end of grant periods…. Even White House gardens can disappear with elections every four years.  However, the impacts of building the capacity of people continue and are passed on irrespective of funding, policies, programs, market demand or political priorities.

Youth Leadership Works

 Youth Leadership Works – Over the past two years, TOCA – the lead organization of the Initiative – has made a very significant investment of time, effort, resources and relationships into creating deep and vital partnerships with youth, not as leaders of tomorrow, but of leaders of today.